There are currently 8 main ranks.
-Recruiting Commander
-Recruiting Officer
Then there are 4 Sub ranks within a group.
The captain of your group will decide how you rank up.
Ranking System
Leader/General-You may not request to become a General, or a Leader.
Recruiting Commander/Officer- To achieve the rank of Recruiting commander you must first become a Recruiting Officer. To become a Recruiting Officer you must at least be the rank of Lieutenant and have recruited at lest 5 members. You also must be known as a strong clan member. You will not receive this title by being rude to clan members.(You may skip this rank but it is not recommended)
Marshal-This is a rank that must be earned over a long period of time. It is not just given away. Prove your responsibility and demand respect.
Lieutenant-To reach this rank you must prove yourself a strong soldier in many battles. This will be the majority of the clan.
Sergeant-Easily achieved, be active and strong. May not give orders to recruits.
Recruit-Lowest rank, everybody had to go through this once.