About Us
We are a small clan rapidly growing. We are looking for players who will take the game seriously and not blow it off, but also who know when to back down. We work together as a team and look forward to meeting new clanmembers.
Jobs Available
1. Editor (edits youtube vids) - OPEN..Applicants-
2. Clan battle organizer. (with other clans) - OPEN..Applicants-
3. Clan events organizer. (with our clan) - OPEN.. Applicants-Minerbros66
4. Clan youtube channel. (Will be shared with high ranked people)- PRIVATE..To use channel must be Marshal+ Applicants-
5. Clan roster. (somebody to set up a list of players with different skill levels. Contact me for more info 'Teh Punishment') OPEN.. Preferably higher level.